Thursday, August 20, 2009
Galeria El Visir
Monday, August 17, 2009
Family Day at the Pool
Mary has 2 grandsons; Ed has a granddaughter and a grandson; and Don, Mary's brother, has 7 grandsons. With the exception of Josh, who is a preteen, all of these children are under five years of age. All were in the pool except Thomas who is 7 weeks old!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Maine Trip Part Five
I was very happy to have two visits with him while in Maine. He will be 75 this year, still works full time, and look at that black hair (not a hint of gray). I spent one evening at his home. He still has woodworking as a hobby, as he did when he was a teenager. He graciously gave me two samples of his work.

When the shop owner discovered that we were Ricker brothers and assumed we were descendants of the founder of Ricker Classical Institute, he began to treat us like celebrities.
He insisted that we come down to the basement to see something special that he was sure we had never seen before.
We followed him down a very steep and narrow stairwell and then down a ramp to a room filled with circus memorabilia. He brought out folding chairs and told us to sit facing him. He then uncovered a beautiful old green music organ. He told us he had purchased it in Germany for $12,000. He treated us to the music. Thus ends our trip to Maine (later David remarked that we never disabused him of the idea that we were descendants of the Ricker founder).
Before you listen to the music, I want to acknowledge what generous and fun hosts David and Beth were to Jim and I. We appreciate their taking us into their home and entertaining us. We had a wonderful time.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Maine Trip Part Four

Monday, August 3, 2009
Trip to Maine Part Three