Cut the kernels off fresh corn
Chop celery, carrots, and an onion

Get a pinch of saffron

Cook the veggies in olive oil for 5 minutes

Add corn and cook for 5 minutes

The saffron creamed corn is ready

In the meantime, while I wait for Mary and Ed to come home from work, I set the table, including fresh flowers from the garden.

When they arrive I sear the scallops for just a couple of minutes in a mixture of butter and vegetable oil.

Get a pinch of saffron
bring to a boil, and then cover, remove from heat,
and let saffron infuse into cream for 10 minutes

Cook the veggies in olive oil for 5 minutes

Add corn and cook for 5 minutes
and cook stirring often
for 10 minutes

The saffron creamed corn is ready

In the meantime, while I wait for Mary and Ed to come home from work, I set the table, including fresh flowers from the garden.

When they arrive I sear the scallops for just a couple of minutes in a mixture of butter and vegetable oil.
Place on top of creamed corn and garnish with parsley.
brush with olive oil, add some breadcrumbs and basil,
and grill.
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