Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I looked out the back door and decided no walk in the garden this morning.  Sunshine will return tomorrow.

Back inside for the breakfast bowl I enjoy every morning.
Corn flakes, a few walnut pieces, a banana, handful of blueberries, and 1% milk.

I enjoyed a nice lunch with former co-worker Brenda Dinsmore.  We dined at Braza Grill where the meat was brought to the table on long skewers.  The waiter carved and served individual portions according to your wishes.  A little green card was placed on the table.  We were to told to turn it over to the red side when we wanted no more servings.  First, the waiter brought a skewer with a large piece of roast beef cooked medium rare.  A little later he brought pieces of chicken wrapped in bacon, followed by Brazilian and Italian sausages, roast pork, and then more roast beef.  We never turned over the card but the skewers tapered off.

A steam table off to the side of the dining room contained a dozen or so side dishes.  A couple of rice dishes, green salads, carrot salad, fruit salad, okra, and some dishes I did not recognize.

A lot of fun and very tasty.

I had my camera with me but no memory card so no pictures.

The light rain lasted all day.

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