I recently purchased the book, "The Pleasures of Cooking for One" by Judith Jones.
Ms. Jones answers the question, " Why would I want to go to all that trouble just for me?" with "If you like good food, why not honor yourself enough to make a pleasing meal and relish every mouthful?"
Well, here goes. Early in the morning I cook a handful of blueberries (it could be strawberries, blackberries, or raspberries) in a quarter cup of water and two tablespoons of sugar for just five minutes.
I let it cool and taste to see if sweet enough.

I line a 3 1/2 inch ramekin with bread.
I used thin white bread withe crusts removed.
This is the first white bread I have bought in a very long time.

I spoon the berries and the juice into the mold.

I but more bread on the top (I forgot to take a photo of this).
I weigh it down and put in the refrigerator where I will leave it all day (8 hours).

In the evening I whip some heavy cream and spoon a layer on a small plate.

Unmold the pudding.

Add the rest of the whipped cream.

and, yum yummy!