Friday, April 1, 2011

Maine Baked Beans

Yesterday, the yard people came and raked and cleaned my garden for spring, and I prepared the herb garden for planting.

The forecast called for snow over night. I didn't want to believe that but thought that some comfort food might be in order.

I went into my pantry and retrieved a bag of those big yellow eye beans I had stocked up on during my last trip to Maine.

This morning, April Fools Day, I woke to a heavy wet slushy covering of snow, not a lot, but enough to know its too early for any gardening.

After having soaked the beans overnight, I now parboiled them.

I quartered an onion and placed it in the bottom of my bean pot. The beans were added to the pot. I took a slab of salt pork
slit it down though the rind and put it on top of the beans.
A half cup of molasses, 1/4 cup sugar, 2 teaspoons of dried mustard, salt and pepper were stirred into a pint of boiling water,
and poured over the beans.
The cover was put on the electric bean pot, the temperature turned t0 300.
Now I don't want you ladies up in Maine telling me I should be using a bean pot in my oven because this lady, my Mom, supervises everything that goes on in my kitchen and I could sense her approval.
Soon the wonderful aroma of baking beans was wafting through the house.

They cooked all day with more boiling water being added as needed.
I don't know about you but these big beautiful yellow eye beans are so superior to those wimpy pea beans.

Tomorrow, I just might make some home-made steamed brown bread cooked in a coffee can.