Friday, March 27, 2009

A sure sign of spring

Salix Discolar (Pussy Willow)

This very tall tree with its pearl gray catkins is actually on a neighbor's property which abuts our back yard.

The small plant below which I believe is a Lily of the Valley springs up by the garden gate very early every year at this time.

This year I am thinking of a small section in the garden featuring pink and red flowers which should bloom in the summer.

Pink Astilbe

Red Astilbe

Pink Cranesbill Geraniums

a pink rose.

and a red rose

Monday, March 23, 2009

Roman Marc Porzio

Roman Marc Porzio was born last night!

Roman is the second son of Jeff and Jenn Porzio and is the brother to Dante, and he is Mary's second grandson.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Piatto del Pescatore

A Sunday night dinner for friends.

The sauce made with tomatoes, onion, garlic, red pepper flakes, and fennel seeds.

Little neck clams, lobster and crab meats are added to the sauce.

Caesar Salad

Bread tossed in olive oil and toasted in the oven.

Hearts of romaine

A dressing made with garlic, anchovies, lemon juice, a coddled egg, worcestershire sauce, and olive oil.

Parmesan cheese for the dressing and to top the salad.

The sauces with the seafood is served over linguini.

Sandy, Patty, and Jim

Because we have given up desserts for Lent, I served pears, grapes, and cheese with coffee.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Spanish Fried Egg

People often ask now that I am retired what do I do all day.

First, I have a part-time job doing accounting work for a masonry company. I work 3 days a week about 4 hours a day.

I have several hobbies - one this past year has been studying Spanish culture. I have a very good friend, Miguel, from southern Spain, who I correspond with frequently. I have been reading Spanish literature, including history, novels, poetry, and cook books. Miguel has given me Spanish music to listen to. And I dabble in cooking Spanish style, very modestly.

Today I tackled Spanish Fried Egg for lunch.

I recently discovered these organic eggs in my supermarket. They are a little pricey but very good, and fresh.

Along with the local fresh eggs from Maine, I use salt and olive oil imported from Spain.

First I heat about a quarter cup of olive oil in a small skillet until it gets very hot.

I carefully crack the egg into the center of the skillet so that the yolk doesn't break. It only takes about a minute for the white of the egg to puff up. I want the yolk to be runny.

I spoon some of the hot oil over the egg.

I quickly and carefully remove the egg from the skillet and place it on a piece of lightly toasted sourdough bread and sprinkle it with sea salt.

What a delicious lunch!

Are those tulips?

The snow is gone and look what was underneath - tulips!

The weather has really moderated. It was so good to be outside for several hours yesterday with no jacket and do some preliminary spring clean-up. I even put the snow blower and shovels away, I hope that wasn't premature.

In the meantime I received this photo from Mike in Florida. He took this picture at the lake where he was fishing and captioned it "fishing buddy".

Monday, March 9, 2009

Spring is around the corner??

After two days of temperatures near 60s
the snow is almost gone
so I did some shopping for the 2009 garden

But wait!
This is the scene that greeted me this morning.

We moved our clocks ahead this weekend
The days are longer
but still it snows!

Friday, March 6, 2009

I think I am getting better at making the Spanish Tortilla

I am sure some are amused at my struggle to prepare this rather basic dish.

I start with a slightly larger skillet (10 inches) and I have added onions to the potatoes.

Ater draining off the excess olive oil, I add three very fresh, cage-free, organic eggs.

After the eggs set, I invert the tortilla using a plate.

I must pay more attention to the distribution of the potatoes.

I think it looks pretty good on the plate.

It is a delicious light supper entree.

A close-up photo.

And, lastly, can this possibly be the final storm of the 2008-2009 winter?