Monday, March 16, 2009

Spanish Fried Egg

People often ask now that I am retired what do I do all day.

First, I have a part-time job doing accounting work for a masonry company. I work 3 days a week about 4 hours a day.

I have several hobbies - one this past year has been studying Spanish culture. I have a very good friend, Miguel, from southern Spain, who I correspond with frequently. I have been reading Spanish literature, including history, novels, poetry, and cook books. Miguel has given me Spanish music to listen to. And I dabble in cooking Spanish style, very modestly.

Today I tackled Spanish Fried Egg for lunch.

I recently discovered these organic eggs in my supermarket. They are a little pricey but very good, and fresh.

Along with the local fresh eggs from Maine, I use salt and olive oil imported from Spain.

First I heat about a quarter cup of olive oil in a small skillet until it gets very hot.

I carefully crack the egg into the center of the skillet so that the yolk doesn't break. It only takes about a minute for the white of the egg to puff up. I want the yolk to be runny.

I spoon some of the hot oil over the egg.

I quickly and carefully remove the egg from the skillet and place it on a piece of lightly toasted sourdough bread and sprinkle it with sea salt.

What a delicious lunch!

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