Monday, November 17, 2008

Chestnuts follow-up

In my previous blog entry I stated that here in America we only saw chestnuts in a street vendor setting. An article written by Adam Ried in yesterday's Boston Globe, titled "Coming Out of Its Shell", with a subtitle of "The chestnut lends a rich presence to soups, entrees, and sides", proves me to be mistaken.

The article states, "At the height of their season in November and December, chestnuts find a natural home on the holiday table - as a tempting nibble, a companion to poultry or pork, in soups and stuffings, and paired with grains or autumn vegetables in side dishes". I must say I have never seen any of these dishes served, although I do have a vague memory of chestnut stuffing.

I googled chestnut recipes and realized what a chestnut sheltered life I lead.

Click the link below to read the Boston Globe article which has 3 interesting recipes and tips on buying chestnuts.

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