Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Thanksgiving Project 2005

In 2005 I suggested to the younger generation of our "family" that they prepare thanksgiving fir the "older generation" and I would provide the funds, transportation, and whatever kitchen support they might need.

We, of the "new generation" are planning the menu (Benjamin said he would make popcorn)

You, of the "older generations" are invitated to Stephanie's on Thanksgiving. We are going to plan. shop, cook, and serve dinner but we will accept volunteers for cleanup.. signed by Tommy, Jeremy, Sarah, Matthew, Benjamin, Daniel, Lucas, Hugo, Connor, and Riley.

Benjamin and Sarah. Which turkey shall we buy?

Matthew and Benjamin select fruit for the ambrosia

Daniel bags sweet potatoes.

Matthew watches as Benjamin chooses peas.

Matthew and Sarah check the list.

Matthew, Sarah, and Benjamin stow the vegetables in my car and we are reading to go to Plymouth.

Its Thanksgoving eve and Connor makes a german chocolate pie from scratch.

It sure looks good, Connor.

Oh yes, the next day, Connor makes fresh whipped cream to top his pie.

Sarah deep fries onion rings and sautes onions and celery.

Sarag cuts fontina cheese into cubes.

and finally, Sarah assembles her green bean casserole.

Peel those potatoes, Jeremy, for the whipped potato casserole.

and the sweet potato casserole.

Jeremy says, " I never would have believed I could cook something so delicious. "

The table is set.

In the meantime, sisters, (Stephanie, Deborah, and Darlene) visit.

and the youngsters are chillin. Benjamin and Connor.

Riley holds the puppy, Mac.

Matthew adds a finishing touch to his ambrosia.

Daniel makes cornbread.

Benjamin cooks peas.

Jamie makes gravy.

Tommy shows off Jamie's cornbread and sausage stuffing.

and all day long, Tommy has been basting and tending what turns out to be the most tasty and moistful turkey ever! Served with his own special gravy.

Riley brought the whoopie pie that he made at home.

vut first we need appetizers, Matthew and Sarah

Matthews stuffed mushrooms.

How abouut some shrimp?

Sarah's crisp lemony shrimp.

Lucas tries his hand at carving.

Dinner is served.

Jeremy said Grace. Toasts were offered by Riley and Deborah.

I didn't get a picture of Hugo so here is one from last year.

And that is me, Uncle Vernon, in the striped shirt.

P.S. Benjamin didn't make popcorn. He made apple pie.

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