Sunday, January 25, 2009

I am back after brutal attack from viral infection.

I choose my words in the title very carefully.

I was waylaid by this infection during the night on Monday, it peaked on Wednesday evening, and it dissipates more each day.

I won't bore you with all of the details but it started with severe abdoninal cramps, quite literally immobolized me to the point I could not roll over in bed or reach out to get a glass of water. It was scary and very uncomfortable. The major symptoms departed abruptly on Wednesday evening but the residual effect still lingers. Thank heavens for friends. Mary's husband Ed was particularly kind to me on Wednesday and on Thursday Cissy drove me to the doctor's office.

I had a complete physical examination, an EKG, blood tests, the works and I am in fine shape. It just feels like I was beaten up.

We are having bright sunshiny days but we are still in the deep freeze and all the snow and ice remains.

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